24 Agustus 2010

hanging out with office friends

setelah sekian bulan ga jalan-jalan lagi sama anak-anak kantor. akhirnya jadi juga jalan hari sabtu kemaren.
tadinya kita mau ke PI-GI-EX sekedar utk makan, jalan-jalan, sama nonton. eh tp ternyata mbak lis minta ditemenin buka puasa di BK Sarinah. akhirnya kita pindah haluan. setelah hari H , ternyata si mba lis ga bisa di hubungin, gada kabar. padahal kita semua udah kumpul di Sarinah huhuh. 

akhirnya ya sudah lah kita berkumpul di Sarinah, ngobrol-ngobrol, cerita-cerita, dan bergossip =D.
disana kita ngumpul ada Ci Bea, Ko Putra, Ci Vera, Ko Nico, Ko Ryan, Ci InIn, Ci Selly, sama Ci Airin.
setelah kita asik ngobrol ngarul ngidul ntah berapa jem , berasa bosen juga yah ..
akhirnya kita cek djakarta teater. ada film apa yg bagus. eh ternyata disana cm ada The Last Air Bender sama The Expendables. dan dua-duanya tinggal row terdepan. omigod. mending gausah nonton deh beneran.

setelah dipikir-pikir mau ngapain lagi, akhir nya kita dapet ide untuk karokean! *again?
hahahah.. seru2an karokean di Inul Vista lagi. bedanya ini Medium Room. dah bukan VVIP lagi.
di dalem si ko nico beraksi lah dia dengan lagu dangdut nya beserta dengan goyangan dan tak lupa kicrikan bak banci2 Taman Lawang.
trus si ko Ryan bercuap2 dengan lagu favoritnya RADJA BAND ! wakakakak ..
ga nyangka ganteng-ganteng seleranya RADJA DLL ..
hueheuheuheuheueh ... *smoga gada yg ngeh dengan postingan blog ini wkakwakwak

setelah karoke 2 jem , udah capek polll. akhirnya berakhir lah sudah hari itu.. hehehehe.
senang sekali bisa bercuap-cuap dengan kalian! 
with love.

13 Agustus 2010

REUNION 08-08-2010 ♥

WOW ...
Olivia Aldisa yang disebelah gue
Dari judul blog nya aja tampak nya sudah menarik yah.
YEUP !!! ini reunian SD - Sekolah Dasar. My God !! setelah 8 tahunan ga ketemu temen-temen akhirnya kemarin tanggal 8 Agustus 2010 jadi juga reunian di Hanamasa, Taman Anggrek.
Setelah beberapa kali di rencanain buat reuni tapi berujung gagal mulu, akhir nya kali ini sukses juga ditangan Olivia Aldisa!! Tapi sayang, masih banyak juga yang ga ikut berpartisipasi. Padahal asik juga kali yah kalo satu angkatan ikut semua. 100 lebih siswa! =D

ini si Virginia Toa =D
Ok, back to the story..
Pertama kali gue nyampe di Hanamasa, komentar pertama yang gue denger dari temen SD gue Terry Toy (isn't a cute name huh? hihihi :p) adalah "KOK JADI PENDEK?". Hueehh "DOENK" banget gak sih digituin. Hahahahaha. Ya lah, secara dulu SD gue termasuk anak yang bongsor huhuhuh. Komentar dia cm gue tanggepin dengan nyengir lebar kaya kuda. Abis nya ga tau lagi mau komentar apaan (-.-").
Trus berjalan lah gue ke meja tempat para wanita-wanita itu berkumpul untuk bergossip (maklum agak telat juga gara-gara macet). Setelah cipika sana cipiki sini, ngobrol-ngobrol seru deh kita. Tapi tetep temen gue yang daridulu paling bacot dan cacat ga pernah kalah bacotnya hahaha .. itu si Virginia one and only TOA'S. Ibarat nya, kalo gada dia mah ga rame deh. Muka sih cakep, tp suara?!! NO COMMENT

with all my lovely friends!
Di Hanamasa pun kita foto-foto bareng-bareng. ngobrol-ngobrol ini itu. Inget-inget masa-masa SD yang pastinya konyol-konyol banget!! LOL. Suka geli sendiri kalo keinget-inget masa-masa jaman kita masih cupu-cupu dan geng-gengan! Trus juga ditambah ngeliat perbedaan-perbedaan penampilan dan muka mereka. Ada yang dulunya ganteng sekarang jadi makin ganteng. Ada yang dulunya jelek sekarang makin ancur. Ada yang muka nya yaaa masih segitu-segitu aja deh, ga ada perubahan apapun. Cuma asli seru-seruan banget sama mereka  disana. Ngobrolin soal usaha lah, soal kuliah lah, soal cewek lah, cowok lah. Ngegossip-gossip ga jelas. Gila banget. 

Seudah puas makan dan puas ketawa-ketiwi. Perut pun udah pada gede-gede smua. Akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk lanjut Karokean di Inul Vista Taman Anggrek. Naik lah keatas lantai 6. Booking tempat yang untuk 20an orang (karena ada beberapa temen yang ga bisa ikut acara selanjutnya huhuhuh). Seru-seruan di room. Nyanyi sambil teriak-teriak. Gila-gilaan. Lagu apa juga dinyanyiin. hahahah. Ternyata room di Inul Vista enak juga yah. Super Gede. VVIP soalnya =D dan gak terlalu mahal pula. Yah oke lah. Puas Banget disana. Cukup 2 jam untuk bergila-gilaan bersama mereka. Disini yang paling gak bisa berhenti nyanyi itu si Tommy! Gila. Semua lagu juga dinyanyiin sama dia! Batre tampak nya masih full. Bawa Portable charger mungkin dia =D.

ini di Inul Vista nya. Gede kan ? =D

Yaah, berada lah kita di penghujung acara. Masing-masing juga harus back to their activity. Gak tau kapan lagi bisa ngumpul-ngumpul kaya gini bareng temen-temen. I WILL MISS YOU ALL



Debora Winda Puspa
we all together =)
ajin . nia . disa . chia
disa . nia . chia . christine
christine . amel . chia
disa . nia . chia . christine
bucek . david . ahau . ajin . nia . chia (me) . disa . christine
with nia =)
disa . retna . nia . vivi . chia . tommy . mamat . ajin . christine
nia . me
ini waktu kita semua masih TK (^o^)


16 Juli 2010


Banyak banget sekarang film2 bagus yang belom saya tonton.

Pertama The Legend is Born IP Man 2.
Kisah kali ini mengikuti kehidupan IP Man di masa mudanya. Setelah kematian gurunya, Chan Wah Shun di Foshan, Ip Man pergi ke Hong Kong untuk belajar. Di sana ia belajar teori Wing Chun dari Leung Pik yang membantunya kemajuan besar. Ketika ia kembali ke Foshan, Ip Man jatuh cinta dengan putri wakil walikota tetapi ditentang oleh ayahnya. Sementara itu, gaya Wing Chun ala Ip Man juga dikatakan telah menyimpang dari bentuk asalnya. Bagaimana ia menghadapi semua tantangan ini dan menjadi salah satu guru kung fu paling dihormati sepanjang masa?
(Sinopsis copy from www.21cineplex.com)

Kedua The Twilight Saga - Eclipse.
Dalam Eclipse, Bella kembali dikelilingi oleh bahaya dimana Seattle dilanda serangkaian pembunuhan misterius dan vampir terus mengejarnya untuk membalas dendam. Di tengah semua ini, dia terpaksa memilih antara cintanya kepada Edward dan persahabatannya dengan Jacob - tahu bahwa keputusannya dapat memicu pertarungan antara vampir dan serigala jadi-jadian (Werewolf). Dengan segera, Bella dihadapkan pada keputusan paling penting dalam hidupnya.
(Sinopsis copy from www.21cineplex.com)
Edward and Jacob, you Guys HOT ! ♥

Ketiga Despicable Me.
Tokoh utama, Gru, adalah penjahat nomor 2 yang ingin mencuri bulan dengan bantuan tentara minion miliknya. Ia mencari akal untuk mengalahkan pesaingnya, penjahat nomor 1 bernama Vector. Namun, ia bertemu dengan tiga gadis yatim kecil (Margo, Edith dan Agnes) yang menginginkan Gru menjadi ayah mereka.
(Sinopsis copy from www.21cineplex.com)
nampak nya film ini bagus, soal nya rata-rata foto bbm langsung pada ganti foto tokoh-tokoh yang ada di film ini. hmm penasaran?! =p

Keempat Inception.

Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), seorang pencuri yang terampil dan terbaik, mencuri rahasia berharga dari pikiran bawah sadar yaitu mimpi. Cobb telah membuat kemampuan langkanya untuk menjadi pencuri bergensi di dunia tetapi juga membuatnya menjadi buronan internasional dan mengorbankan semua yang ia cintai.
Saat ini Cobb ditawari dibebaskan dari tuduhan kriminal panjangnya. Tugas terakhir ini akan mengembalikan kehidupan normalnya hanya jika dia bisa melakukan hal yang mustahil. Alih-alih mencuri, dalam misi yang disebut Inception ini, Cobb diminta untuk menanamkan memori baru ke dalam alam bawah sadar targetnya. Namun tidak ada perencanaan dan keahlian yang cukup dari tim Cobb lainnya untuk menghadapi musuh berbahaya ini yang tampaknya mengantisipasi setiap gerakan mereka. Musuh yang hanya dapat dilihat oleh Cobb.
ini juga pasti baguss, ada AA Leonard :*

Hei Time, i need you for free. i need to watch those movies before they down =D
semoga minggu ini bisa nonton Eclipse dulu deh sma Inception! amiiien :)
Ga nahan deh pasti ngeliat Edward sama Jacob yang bikin HOT ini film. andaikan gue bisa gantiin Bella di film itu. ato gak Bella sama Edward aja, gue sama Jacob. Aw! :* 
Sebentar lagi bisa gila deh yah hihihih. how i love you Jacob.
see you on the next movies! ;)

15 Juli 2010

quotes that i like so much =)

Life is made up of years that mean nothing and moments that mean it all.

You're born, you die, and in between you make a lot of mistakes.

Have you ever heard a song from so long ago with so many memories tied to it that it made you cry? And didn't you with that you could go back into time when everything seemed so much simpler and carefree? Those are songs that are the soundtrack of our lives... the ones that bring back childhood memories, best friends, first love, first heartbreak... the memories.

Every new day is another chance to change your life.

The hardest years in life are those between ten and seventy.

The times in life, that seems to be the worst, always turn out for the best!

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash! Fall in love. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at a stupid joke. Cry. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell the asshole what you feel. Let someone know what they're missing. Laugh til your stomach hurts. LIVE LIFE!

If you can't solve it, it isn't a problem - it's reality. And sometimes reality is the hardest thing to understand and the thing that takes the longest to realize. But once it hits you in the face you'll never forget it. It will always be there in your memories and sometimes that is the best way to look at it.

Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump. Don't be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have or could have had. No one waits forever.

Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much.

You only live once, so do everything twice.

In your life, you meet people. Some you never think about again. Some, you wonder what happened to them. There are some that you wonder if they ever think about you. And then there are some you wish you never had to think about again. But you do.

There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

The greatest risk in life is not taking one.

Tomorrow is a blank page, just waiting to be filled with your dreams... All you have to do is be yourself and live the story of your own unique life. Be proud. Be confident. And most of all be happy.

The journey in between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Continue to learn. Appreciate you friends. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned the hard way that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, or end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's to happen next.

There's a point in life when you start to realize who matter; who never did; and who always will.

In life God doesn't give you the people you want, instead He gives you the people you need. To teach you, to hurt you, to love you, and make you exactly the way you should be.

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.

Rock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead end street is just a place to turn around.

Cherish your yesterdays and dream your tomorrows, but most importantly, don't forget to live your today's.

Sometimes you gotta stop and remember that your not gonna live forever. Be young, thing smart, stay true and just follow your heart.

Half of life is fucking up - the other half is dealing with it.

Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.

If you die you're completely happy and your soul somewhere lives on. I'm not afraid of dying. Total peace after death, becoming someone else is the best hope I've got.---Kurt Cobain

Somewhere along the course of life, you learn about yourself and realize there should never be regrets, only a lifelong appreciation of the choices you've made.

Eventually all the pieces will fall into place, until then... laugh at the confusion, live for the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.

So I'm just thinking about how much I don't want my life to be boring. There is so much I want to do and so many places I want to go - but I don't really think it's ever gonna happen. I just don't wanna be one of those people who work somewhere they hate or live somewhere they don't want to live. But I feel like I'm gonna live here forever and not get a chance to see everything I want to see. I feel like my dreams are to unrealistic.---Moonstar_00

Someone asked me, the other day, that if I could change five things about my life, what would I change? My answer: nothing this is who I am, who I'm meant to be. I love being me; even when I'm feeling crappy and I hate myself I wouldn't change a thing.---punkyfairydude

The hardest part of life is having to let go of your fears, and facing the facts: you can't always get what you want, life isn't a box of chocolates, and your favorite TV series will always have a crappy ending.

When life locks you in your room, simply go out the window.

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.

As time goes by, life has a way of rearranging itself. People enter your life, and inevitably, they leave as well. Things have a tendency to happen that can turn your world upside down. You’ll come to realize eventually, that even though things are different, you are as well.

Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many people call you and it's not about who you've dated, are dating, or haven't dated at all. It isn't about who you've kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you. It's not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it's not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn't about that. But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about how you feel about yourself. It's about trust, happiness, and compassion. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance, and building confidence. It's about what you say and what you mean. It's about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, it is about choosing to use your life to touch someone else's in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life's about.

We can never turn back the pages of time, though we may wish to relive a happy moment, or say goodbye just one last time, we never can, because the sands of time continue to fall, and we can't turn the hourglass over.

Never forget yesterday, But always live for today... Cuz you never know what tomorrow can bring, Or what it can take away...

Tears are sometimes an inappropriate response to death. When a life has been lived completely honestly, completely successfully, or just completely, the correct response to death's perfect punctuation mark is a smile.

Not a second passes... When you're not on our minds... Your love we will never forget... The hurt will ease in time...

It's just hard to lose someone, no matter how much or little it meant at the time.

Sometimes they take people, and they don't say why,
sometimes people leave and they never say goodbye,
sometimes there are no second chances to say I love you, sometimes there are no next times, sometimes you lose someone and you feel like your heart has followed them to heaven and sometimes there is just nothing you can do to make the tears stop.

Sometimes, no matter how much faith we have, we lose people. But you never forget them. And sometimes, it's those memories that give us the strength to go on.

Sometimes you have to forgive someone just because you want them in your life.

If it happens, God lets it happen, and when we say, I don't understand, God replies, I don't care. --The Green Mile, book 6

Contemplation often makes life miserable. We should act more, think less, and stop watching ourselves live.

It's hard to accept, but you can't change the past. You can't go back and manipulate things to the way you wanted them to happen. Because life'd be meaningless and boring and just not worth living. But you can change the future and that's a beautiful thing about life. Yes, you will make mistakes. And yes, you will have bad days - but as long as you let the past go, you'll have such a gorgeous and bright future ahead of you. Knowing that things were meant to happen. Knowing that each day you will learn something so that you keep growing to be a better person. Life is like a rope, twined in all its complexities and yet weaved into one marvelous stream that you have the chance you use something amazing from. So grab hold of it.

People change its a part of life, but sometimes its easier to hold on to the memories of who they were... rather then to realize who they have become...

Life doesn't hurt until you have time to yourself to think about how things have changed, who you've lost along the way, and how much of it is your fault.

Sometimes there are things in our life that aren't meant to stay. Sometimes change may not be what we want. Sometimes change is what we really need. And sometimes saying goodbye is the hardest thing you think you'll ever have to do, but sometimes it's saying 'hello again' that breaks you down and makes you the most vulnerable person you'll ever know. Sometimes change is too much to bear, but most of the time change is the only thing saving your life.


If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, martini in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO- HOO what a ride!"

Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only where you've been but also where you're going.

If you have ever lost someone very important to you, then you already know how it feels, and if you haven't, you cannot possibly imagine it. --- Lemony Snicket

At times I wish I could change the past... but sometimes the past changes you.

Some things in life are either taken way to seriously or not serious enough. So why worry so much about our everyday problems. I mean there is only so much time to be alive but plenty of time to be dead. So live every day like it is your last. Take way to many pictures, laugh to hard and love with all your heart.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It is all about dancing in the rain!

Things happen in your life that will not go your way, they will not have the ending you hoped for and you will probably be dissapointed... but don't try and change these things... instead... remember them for next time.

Life comes without guarantees except... Laughing will brighten your day, smiling will enhance your eyes, and falling in love will change your life.

We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.

I used to think that death was the hardest thing to overcome. It's not. It's hard comparable really. Death is final. You watch the casket be lowered into the ground and you mourn, but you eventually get over it. It can take years and it hurts like hell, but it's final. that person is gone and there is no fear of a repeat. With attempted suicide there is no finality. Nothing hurts more than someone you love trying to end their own life. Nothing compares. --- jeneveve87

Heaven's not a place that you go when you die it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive.

The sun is somewhere shining even when it rains

It's not how tragically we suffer but how miracously we live.

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory be comes a treasure.

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky, but rather openings where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.

Most of us go to our grave with our music still inside of us.

Life and death are balanced on the edge of a razor.

I believe Disney movies hold the key to life. They hold every answer, if we only took the time to look. We can learn more from that talking crab in the Little Mermaid than we ever could in this corrupted world. And more than anything I believe in happy endings. --- jeneveve

The sun's gonna shine and the rain's gonna fall, but that's life so dance in the puddles and bathe in the sun. At the end of the day, just smile and it will all be okay.

It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.

When it seems like everything is wrong and will never be right again remember even the darkest nights must give way to day.

There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.

May your life be like a roll of toilet paper... long and useful.

Life is too short so...
Kiss Longer...
Laugh Harder...
And smile Sweeter...

If I could relive my life, I wouldn't. Cause everything I've done, I've never once regretted doing them. And everything I am is everything I was meant to be. --- Alice1989

It doesn't matter what you write about somebody after there gone, it's how you treat somebody while there still there.

Life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want but you can only spend it once.

Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment, and making the best of it without knowing what will happen next.
Be thankful for hard times in your life. Try not to look at them as bad things, but as opportunities to grow and learn.

God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be. So he put his arms around you, and whispered, "Come with me." With tearful eyes we watched you, and saw you pass away. Although we loved you dearly, we could not make you stay. A golden heart stopped beating. Hard working hands at rest. God broke our hearts, to prove to us, He only takes the best.

From this point on in my life nothing is ever going to be the same. Nothing can ever be the same. I don't want anything to ever be the same.

Life isn't supposed to make you feel happy. It isn't meant to make you feel sad either. It's just there to make you feel.

A few of the best things in life...
Laughing so hard your face hurts.
Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
Friends. Knowing that somebody misses you.

Not everything's gonna be picture perfect... Things sometimes take time and have rough times to get through... Before you can get there but if you give up on things you want, everything you've gone through ends up being completely worthless.

Sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past, stop planning the future, stop figuring out precisely how we feel, stop deciding with our minds exactly what we want our hearts to feel, sometimes we just have to go with the flow and just enjoy life.

Sometimes things happen in our lives that tear us apart inside, but if we don't learn to look past them and see the sun shining above the clouds, we will forever be standing in the rain.

Just hit play and watch my life fall apart.

Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do. I've learned that life is like hour glass sand. Sooner or later, everything hits rock bottom, but all you have to do is be patient and wait for something to turn everything back around.

Everything in life is temporary, because everything changes. That's why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime but having the faith it will last forever.

Don't let the darkness of the past cover the brightness of the future.

Sometimes our trusting hand that guides us through life won't always be there, and that's the time when you really grow up and face life for the first time. But that hand will always be close by.

When life is too crazy, and things are moving too fast, look to the constant stars... and remember, like them, our love can last.

Ever wonder how your life would be right now if you had the power to go back and change even just one small thing?

Life is not about what I've done, what I should've done, what I could've done... it's about what I can do and what I will do.

Every passing moment is a chance to turn it all around.

Life is full of surprises, but you have to open them hoping for the very best.

Experience is the worst teacher; it gives the test before presenting the lesson.

So many times, life in unpredictable. You'll have bad days, and good, and really in the end, the only thing that matters is whose still there by your side.

by: unknown